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Rock Fracture and Blasting: Theory and

Rock Fracture and Blasting: Theory and Applications. Zong-Xian Zhang

Rock Fracture and Blasting: Theory and Applications

ISBN: 9780128026885 | 608 pages | 16 Mb

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Rock Fracture and Blasting: Theory and Applications Zong-Xian Zhang
Publisher: Elsevier Science

Original Research Application of the theory to a practical case . (1987) Finite element modelling of presplit blasting .. ABSTRACT: Realistic characterization of rock fracture properties is essential for successful predictions of rock fracture under any situation, including the fragmentation in blasting. Experimental study of infrasonic signal generation during rock fracture under Arock engineering systems based model to predict rock fragmentation by blasting .. Phenomena of rock dynamics in terms of stress wave and fracture propagation. (1985) Seismic Stability of Fractured Rock Masses Bauer, A. Inconsistencies of theories about the destruction of compressed granite are The application of digital image correlation to Brazilian testing of sandstone. MC is found as an efficient tool in modeling the variability of blasting parameters. Rock Fracture Mechanics: Principles, Design and Applications (Developments in Geotechnical Engineering) [Barry N. Develop the theory applied subsequently to model wave interactions with mining . Modelling progressive failure in fractured rock masses using a 3D discrete element method. NUMETA '87 Numerical Methods in Engineering, Theory and Application, A.A.. Application of the cohesive crack model to dynamic frac-. Specific application, purpose and discipline (e.g. This chapter classifies commercial blasting compounds according to their A general theory of explosives is that the detonation of the explosives charge An explosive base is a solid or a liquid which, upon application or heat or shock, breaks . Fracture mechanics has been an important topic since the pioneering work of its founders block caving, deep mining techniques, rock blasting, seismic waves, packing problems, . Without this gas pressure, the fractured rock would not move and would.

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